
Relationships and Sexuality Education

Tuismitheoirí Rang a Sé

A Thuistí,


In keeping with our agreed policy on Relationships and Sexuality Education (R.S.E.) which is a part of our Social, Personal and Health Education Programme, 6th class will receive education in the sensitive areas of RSE in the coming weeks. All lessons are taught within the terms of our RSE policy (attached).


The topics covered are:          

   Changes that occur in boys during puberty

   Changes that occur in girls during puberty

   Conception including sexual intercourse

   Feelings, nutrition, physical activity and hygiene


The main resources that will be used are (i) the RSE lesson plans provided by the Department of Education and Science and (ii) the ‘Busy Bodies’ DVD – Health Promotion Unit, Department of Health and Children.


The format of the lessons will be:

  1. An audiovisual  introduction (Busy Bodies DVD)
  2. Discussion – explanation of terms
  3. Questions that the children have will be posted in a box in the classroom (this will avoid embarrassment – any questions which are not appropriate to answer at school will be referred back to you)


All resources are available for parents to view at any time. Parents have the right to exclude their children from these lessons if they so wish.


Please read the attached policy and do not hesitate to ask any questions that you have. This very important information that is needed by all children of this age.

These lessons are due to take place on Thursday, June 10th.

Please complete the permission slip below stating whether or not you would like your child to be present during these RSE lessons.


Le meas,


Ruairí Ó hAnnluain.




Relationships and Sexuality Education June 2021


I have read this letter and the RSE policy                                                     

I am aware that all of the teaching materials are available for me to view in school or at https://vimeo.com/user/96707063/folder/729017

I give permission my child ______________________ to be present for the RSE lessons.


I do not give permission for my child __________________to be present for the RSE lessons.


Síniú (Tuismitheoir):________________________________             Dáta­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________ 































* If children have questions which it wouldn’t be appropriate for us to answer in school, we will ask them to discuss their question with you at home. All questions will be taken anonymously.