Parents/Guardians of children in Náionáin Bheaga, Naíonáin Mhóra, Rang 1 agus Rang 2 are asked to drop their children’s school books/boxes to school on Thursday 25/02/21 and Friday 26/02/21, between 9am and 3 pm.
We are asking this so that the books will be available for use on Monday. All items returning to school must be quarantined for 72 hours!
Please drop your child’s books to the school hall tomorrow or on Friday. There will be 4 clearly marked lines in the hall for Naíonáin Bheaga, Naíonáin Mhóra, Rang 1 and Rang 2. Please leave the books/boxes (clearly labelled) in the correct line.
- Please wear a mask.
- Please enter the yard/hall one at a time.
- Please phone the school if you need clarification.
- Please do not congregate at the gate.
- Please come alone.
We look forward to seeing all children from Naíonáin Bheaga, Naíonáin Mhóra, Rang 1 and Rang 2 next week!!