A Thuistí,
We have had a very successful return of our pupils from Naíonáin Bheaga to Rang 2 – everyone is very happy to be back. We are looking forward to the return of Rang 3, Rang 4, Rang 5 agus Rang 6 on Monday next, 15/03/21.
Please remember to wear a face mask when approaching the school, please don’t congregate in groups at the school gate, please arrive on time to collect your children – DON’T COME EARLY at collection time as this only serves to block up the available space. Never park in the ‘SET DOWN/PICK UP AREA’ in front of the school gates – this area is well signed and it is vital that it remains clear for efficient drop-offs and pick-ups.
Every child returning to school after any absence must complete a Return-to-Educational-Facility-declaration-form this form can be downloaded HERE and sent in with your child on Monday OR it can be filled out online – see link to the online form HERE.
The Department of Education have also requested that we bring the following to your attention:
- Video for parents from Public Health Doctor –https://youtu.be/x2Vur9Dx4dk
- Back to school advice for parents- https://youtu.be/hg2wRiXXSpc
- Advice for students/parents and their families View Here.
Parents are reminded of the following very important advice:
- Wear a mask when in the vicinity of the school
- Do not congregae in groups at the school gate
- Never park in the Drop Zone
- Arrive at your allotted time for collection – these times are the same as last term – if you arrive early you block the road!
- If you need to contact your class teacher please do so via email (or through school website) or by contacting the office
- Please ring the office before you come in to the school
- Do not send your child to school if there is a possibility that they are sick
- Always complete the ‘Return to School Form’ before sending your child back to school after any absence
- If you’re not feeling well please do not come near the school
Book boxes from Rang 3 – Rang 6 can be dropped back to the school hall on Friday from 1.40 p.m. – 5 p.m. Please do not enter the yard with the box if there is anybody else in the yard/hall. There can be no mixing! Areas for the boxes from the different classes will be clearly marked in the hall.
Táimid ag súil le sibh ar fad a fheiscint go luath!
Ruairí agus foireann.