Bígí linn Dé Domhnaigh ag an bParáid Lá ‘le Padraig!!

Beimid ag marcháil mar ‘Scoil sa Choill’.

Join us at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade we will be marching as a ‘Forest School’!!

What to wear:

  • Wellies, boots or runners on feet
  • Raincoat and hat
  • Backpack / ruck sack

We will meet in Carpark near Old Library on Sunday at 1.45 p.m.

Children to be collected from the Square directly after the parade.

Aifreann Lá ‘le Pádraig @ 9 a.m.

Aifreann Lá ‘ie Pádraig will take place at 9 a.m. in St. Michael’s church.

Our past pupil Eimear Ní Bhroin will lead the singing and Rang 3 will dramatise the story of St. Patrick’s life. Our musicians will play some Irish tunes before and after mass.

This is the only Irish Language mass of the year in Ballinasloe.

The mass will be available to view on www.churchservices.tv/ballinasloe