A thuistí, 

Many thanks to those who came along to our information night on the 03/12/24. It was a wonderful opportunity for me to meet some parents and answer the questions that were raised on the night. Below is a short summary of the topics that were discussed on the night.

  1. Aladdin Connect: We are now using the app Aladdin Connect to schedule Parent/ Teacher meetings, to send out digital permission slips, to message and update parents, to gather notes of explanation for absences and to send out the End of Year School Report Cards. We have moved to this app as it allows us to send out information and updates instantly while also helping us to save money that was previously spent on text messages and paper. It is important that all parents/guardians have given the app permission to send notifications in their phone settings. If you have the notifications turned off, you will not be notified when a message is sent out. Alternatively, you could log into the app once a day to check for any updates should you wish to deny the app permission to send you push notifications. Other ways to stay informed include:
    -our school website www.gaelscoil.ie
    -our newsletters (which will be sent home to each family but can also be accessed online on the school website)  
    -on social media
  2. Tinreamh (Attendance): As part of our DEIS plan we are focusing on attendance. We now have access to ‘School Completion’ which is an element of DEIS that also helps us to support children’s attendance at school. It is important that children are attending school consistently in order for them to reach their full potential in school. Classes start at 8:50a.m. and so it is important for the children to be punctual. We would kindly ask that you send in a note to explain your child’s absence. This can be done via the Aladdin Connect app or by calling the office on 09096 44347.
  3. Curaclam Nua (New Curriculum): As the new curriculum is being rolled out, we will continue to focus on the new Primary Language Curriculum. We will also be implementing more elements of the new Primary Mathematics Curriculum. Our staff will engage in a training day on the 26th of February. The school will be closed on this date in order to facilitate this training. The Primary Curriculum Framework has been put in place and we look forward to seeing how this will positively impact the children’s learning and how we will teach the other curricular subjects.
  4. Sláinte agus Folláine (Health and Wellbeing): We will be working together this year to put our Polasaí Folláine together and implement Bí Cineálta. Our cold lunches will change to hot lunches during the month of January. The children will need to being a healthy snack for the first break along with a drink. We would like to remind everyone that we are a nut free school as there are children with severe allergies to nuts in our school community. We would also ask parents to refrain from sending sweets and treats for lunch and to follow the school’s Healthy Lunch Policy.
    The children are engaging in regular physical activity at school as part of the Brat Gníomhach (Active Flag) initiative. All classes are practicing their Gaelic football skills with Adam. Rang a 3, 4, 5 & 6 will have their final basketball session with Keiarra Rivers next week. Rang a 6 will take part in Cycle Right in January.
    It is always important to reflect on the impact that poor sleep has on learning and development. Planet Youth is an evidence-based primary prevention project that provides us with the opportunity to improve the long-term health and wellbeing of our children. There is lots of information and great tips for parents at the following link: 
  5. Scoil sa Choill (Forest School): We are delight that our Scoil sa Choill pilot programme was a success last year. This year we hope to deliver Forest School session to the children in Rang a 2, Rang a 4 and Rang a 6. We will be in touch with you in the new year with more information on this.
  6. Cairde na Scoile/ Coiste na dTuistí (Parents’ Association): Coiste na dTuistí play an important role within the school community. They are a bridge between the parents and the school. Coiste na dTuistí provides a platform for collaboration and strengthens the partnership between families and the school. Coiste na dTuistí organise events, support initiatives and advocate for the students. All parents are welcome to get involved, become members of Coiste na dTuistí and attend meetings. It is always great to get parental input as it helps us to cater for the children and families within our school community. 
    Life can be very busy and so we would ask that if you can help us for even an hour or two throughout the year, it would be much appreciated. We will be looking for volunteers to help us with events throughout the year like Crannchur na Nollag (The Christmas Hamper Raffle), Lá na Pancóga (Pancake Tuesday), Paráid Lá ‘le Pádraig (St. Patrick’s Day Parade), fundraising for our pitch, an Gairdín Scoile (the School Garden), teas and coffees for our opening morning and on the day of the Céimniú (6th Class Graduation) and trips to the library. If you would like to help with any these occasions/ events, please contact the office to let us know. Many hands make light work!
  7. Dátaí don Dialann (Dates for your diary):
    12/12/24 – Seó Nollag Naíonra Tír na nÓg @ 11r.n.
    13/12/24 – Seó Nollag Naíonáin Bheaga/ Naíonáin Mhóra @ 12i.n.
    16/12/24 – Seó Nollag Rang a 1/ Rang a 2 @ 12i.n.
    17/12/24 – Seó Nollag Rang a 3/ Rang a 4/ Rang a 5 @ 12i.n.
    19/12/24 – Díolachán Nollag le Rang a 6 ó 10r.n. – 2i.n.
    20/12/24 – Cannchur na Nollag @ 9:30r.n.
    We would like to welcome all mums, dads, aunts, uncles, grannies and grandads to attend the children’s Christmas shows over the coming days. You are all welcome to pop into our Sale of Work on the 20/12/24 and the Christmas Hamper Raffle on the 20/12/24 too!