Amchláir Samplach an Lae (Not Compulsory – use as a guide if it helps)
Roimh 9.00a.m Éirigh, Ith bricfeasta, faigh gléasta
9.00 – 10.00 Aclaíocht : (Siúlóid/ Yoga/ Joe Wicks ar Youtube, etc.)
10.00 – 10.30 TG4 ‘Cúla 4 ar Scoil’
10.30 – 11.00 Obair Acadúil: (Mental Maths, English in Practice, IXL, Project Work)
11.00 – 12.00 School Hub TV
12.00 – 1.00 Lón & Am Cabhrú Déanaigí postanna beaga do bhur dtuismitheoirí ag glanadh suas agus ag cabhrú sa mbaile
1.00 – 2.00 Am Ciúin (Ag léamh/ Ag tarraingt pictiúir/ Ag déanamh free-writing)
2.00 – 2.30 Obair Acadúil (Mental Maths, English in Practice, Project Work , Mata- IXL, Gaeilge, Béarla, etc.)
Clár Oibre don tSeachtain 20ú – 24ú Aibreán
As mentioned in previous correspondence, things mentioned below are suggestions and guides to help you and your child. Feel free to do as much or as little as suits YOUR family. What other people are managing to get done or not get done shouldn’t add to the stress we are all under. Do what you can, and do not feel the need to complete every single task, every single day at the exact same time.
1) English
- English in Practice – One day each Day. – (B’fhéidir nach bhfuil gach duine ar an lá céanna, ach tá sé sin ceart go leor. Níl aon fhadhbh. Not everyone will be on the same days in these books, but that’s fine, no worries. Everyone go at your own pace.)
- Spellings-Spellings can also be worked on for 10 mins every day and a parent/sibling can give them their little spelling and litriú test on Friday to keep a little bit of normality in their routine
- Penpals/Email pals: As the children are probably missing friends and family members. Write letters to relatives. Have your kids craft a letter to a grandparent or family member or friend. It also helps them practice their penmanship.
- Create a Time capsule on what is becoming one of the biggest moments in our lifetime : Here are some ideas. Get a newspaper (if safe to do so) cut out articles they think would be important to look back on. Include a drawing, perhaps a drawing of their family or a drawing of what they have been doing during this period of social isolating.Take some photos, print out if possible, on the day you create the capsule and pop them in.
- Keep a diary or a video diary that they will be able to read back on/look back on in a few years.
- Continue to read everyday. Take time to read quietly, away from distractions, every day. Reading for pleasure is very important and relaxes the mind. Check my previous note for links to online books and stories.
2) Mata
- Continue to revise tables (+, -, x, /) Having your tables learnt gives you an advantage when trying to concentrate on new concepts in the future.
- IXL-Léan leis an obair iontach atá ar siúl agaibh. Continue with the fantastic work on the IXL website if you have an available laptop/ipad/phone and WIFI. Each child has their own username and log in and I can track their work from home. IXL covers the entire Rang 4 Maths curriculum.
- Mental Maths. The children are well used to working on this book independently and each day is all about revision. This should take between 8-15mins to complete.
- Practical hands on Maths, be that via cooking, cleaning or some maths games, physical or online. is always very popular
3) SESE – As with last month, maybe research some of the following topics which would have been covered in Histroy, Geography and Science and perhaps, if you have the time and the means, complete a project to present to their family or email photos of their complete work etc to the teacher through our new classroom email system. Again, this is not compulsory, it is just a suggestion. Dip in and out as you please, do what you can and what you feel suits your situation at home. No stress allowed. 
- Mo Chontae Féin (My Own County)
- Na Normannaigh (The Normans)
- An Croí (The Heart)
The following links should help get a start but there are plenty other resources out there.
Heart Facts For Kids. The heart is about the size of your fist, and you won’t believe the things that this very important organ can do. Prepare to be amazed by these cool heart facts.
The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body, continuously pumping blood around our body through blood vessels.. Your heart is located in your chest and is well protected by your rib cage.
for Children Celts to Normans Main page 12th C – 18th C. Links for Juniors : The Celts Our favourite Irish legends Early Christian Ireland Saint Patrick’s Ireland (interactive) The Vikings Viking Quest Game Normans in Ireland : Links for Older Children The Legend of the Fianna The Fianna …
History >> Middle Ages for Kids Who were the Normans? The Normans were Vikings who had settled along the coast of France. The local people called them the Norsemen from Norway. They eventually became known as the Normans and the land they lived in became known as Normandy.
The Normans: Facts & Information for Kids Who were the Normans? The Normans, which means “ Northmen ,” were Vikings in the 10 th century who pillaged and settled in Northern and Northwestern parts of France.
Who were the Normans? Toggle text. The Normans were descendants of the Norsemen, or Vikings, and were fierce fighters. They settled in northern France during the early 900s. The Normans were not only warriors but also skilled leaders. Their dukes formed a complex and well-organized society, dividing their kingdom into areas called fiefs.
Contact: [email protected] The Geoschol activity book and four posters featured on this website are available for purchase: Download Order Form 2009. Site designed by Adam Stuart Smith and Patrick Wyse Jackson
County Roscommon (Irish: Contae Ros Comáin) is a county in the western region of the Republic of Ireland.It is also part of the province of Connacht.It is the 11th largest Irish county by area and 27th most populous. Its county town and largest town is Roscommon. Roscommon County Council is the local authority for the county. The population of the county is 64,065 according to the 2011 census.
County Galway (Irish: Contae na Gaillimhe) is a county in Ireland.In the West of Ireland, it is part of the province of Connacht (English spelling: Connaught) and is named after the city of Galway.There are several Irish-speaking areas in the west of the county. The population of the county is 258,552 according to the 2016 census. While it is named after the city of Galway, a different …
Counties of Ireland Find information, photos & videos by location. Add your photos, text, videos, etc. to this page. PS Primary Students; 3rd + 4th Class Home 3rd + 4th Class Home; Geography: The Full Story Geography: The Full Story; Food and Farming Food …
4) Gaeilge
- TG4 Cúla ar Scoil every day on TG4 at 10:30am for 30mins.
- Watch some other programming on TG4 or on the TG4 player online, hearing Gaeilge being spoken daily is important and will again give them that sense of normality and familiarity.
- Scríobh scéal beag gach seachtain. Write a short story once a week on a topic of their choosing. Then can use their dictionary to help them. Perhaps they could read the story for a parent at the end of the week and teach a few new words or phrases from their story to Mam or Dad.
- Iris Ghaeilge CLG – An Irish GAA Magazine with interesting Stories/ Puzzles/Facts, etc.
cuaille-iris-ghaeilge-clg-ar- fail-anois/?fbclid= IwAR00X7TfI9SA5U2DEBeT4aIEA09F Ms_aKv-b9IJjoW71n- zN1nfICP7GkYg