Dia dhaoibh a thuistí agus a pháistí.
Please find eight videos, which I hope you find useful for the coming week:
Dé Luain (Monday)
The first video, An bileog b 177, is an exercise revising the letter b.When watching this video please ensure that your child has his/her Irish worksheet-177 in front of him/her so that the worksheet can be completed. .
The second video Foclóir 3 21 revises the high frequency Irish words and also introduces the new word chistin (meaning: kitchen). Exercise based on video available on Seesaw.
Dé Máirt (Tuesday)
The next two videos, An litir e and Na litreacha 3, introduces the new letter of the week which is the letter b and revises all letters currently covered. Exercise based on video available on Seesaw.
Dé Céadaoin (Wednesday)
The video, Cruthanna, explains what shapes are and introduces the children to the circle and square. Exercise based on video available on Seesaw.
Déardaoin (Thursday)
The video, Cruthanna 2, revises the concept of shapes and introduces the children to the triangle. Exercise based on video available on Seesaw. The next video, Leabhar e, is an Irish reading exercise.
Dé hAoine (Friday)
The final video, An bileog e 234, is an exercise revising the letter e.When watching this video please ensure that your child has his/her Irish worksheet-234 in front of him/her so that the worksheet can be completed.
I have also included this weeks work schedule, in case it is required by anyone. Please note that there is no third video on shapes on Friday, as written in your timetable.
As mentioned previously, these videos are also available on Seesaw. In addition there are extra activities on the Seesaw site which I am unable to post on the school website. Should you require further work activities for your child please look on the Seesaw site.
Please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail or on Seesaw should you have any questions or concerns.
Slán go fóill
Múinteoir Gráinne.