Confirmation and Communion Sacraments 2023/2024 in the Parish of Ballinasloe


A Thuistí,

The allocated dates and times for confirmations in the parish of Ballinasloe  are as follows:

  • Wednesday 22nd May: 11am and 3pm
  • Thursday 23rd May: 11am and 3pm.

The specific times and dates for each of the 4 schools (Scoil an Chroí Naofa, Creagh N.S. Newtown […]

Confirmation and Communion Sacraments 2023/2024 in the Parish of Ballinasloe2023-11-09T10:07:22+00:00

RSE – Relationships and Sexuality Education



Relationships and Sexuality Education

Tuismitheoirí Rang a Sé

A Thuistí,


In keeping with our agreed policy on Relationships and Sexuality Education (R.S.E.) which is a part of our Social, Personal and Health Education Programme, 6th class will receive education in the sensitive areas of […]

RSE – Relationships and Sexuality Education2021-05-31T13:22:15+01:00

Nuacht ó Rang a Sé


A Thuistí,

Tá súil agam go bhfuil sibh uilig go maith. Díreach píosa eolas chun sibh a choinneáil suas go dáta faoi imeachtaí i Rang a 6.

I hope you are all keeping well. Rang a 6 have been working extremely hard since we have […]

Nuacht ó Rang a Sé2021-05-07T14:12:18+01:00

Cóineartú – 23/05/21 – Confirmation


Beidh an cóineartú ar siúl Dé Domhnaigh, 23/05/21 i Seipéal Naomh Mhichíl. Beidh amma ar fáil an tseachtain seo chugainn.

Confirmation will take place on Sunday, 23/05/21 in St Michael’s Church. Times will be announced next week.

Cóineartú – 23/05/21 – Confirmation2021-05-07T13:49:59+01:00

Cigireacht Covid-19 – Covid-19 School Inspection


Bhí cigireacht ar chúrsaí ‘Covid-19’ ag an scoil díreach roimh na Nollag – d’éirigh thar chionn leis an scoil i ngach aon ghné den chigireacht.

Our school had a ‘Covid-19 Inspection’ just before Christmas. The school was fully in all aspects of the repoet and our staff were praised for all the […]

Cigireacht Covid-19 – Covid-19 School Inspection2021-03-08T14:31:57+00:00
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