Rang a 5 & 6
Dia dhaoibh.
Cén chaoi a bhfuil sibh ar fad?
Tá súil againn go bhfuil sibh uilig go maith. Tuigeann muid go raibh muid in ainm is a bheith ag ceiliúradh lá speisialta amárach, ach faraor ní féidir linn. Táim cinnte go bhfuil díomá oraibh, mar is cinnte go bhfuil díomá orainne faoi chomh maith. Ná bíodh imní oraibh beidh bhur lá speisialta agaibh nuair a bhéas sé sabháilte é sin a dhéanamh. Ba mhaith linn an lá amárach a mharcáil agus mar sin tá muid ag tnúth le sibh ar fad a fheiceáil ar Zoom amárach 02/05/20 @ 11.00 a.m.
How are you all keeping? We really hope that you are all well. We know that we were due to celebrate a very special day tomorrow, your Confirmation Day, but unfortunately we are unable to do so now. We are sure that you are all extremely disappointed that we cannot celebrate this special occasion tomorrow, as we are also saddened at the cancellation of your Confirmation Day. But please don’t worry, we will celebrate this special occasion with you all, as soon as it is safe to do so, please God.
Tomorrow Saturday 02/05/20, we would like to mark this special day so we hope to see you all on Zoom @ 11.00a.m. If you wish to dress up, have your hair done, etc. we might even have a virtual Fashion Show . It would be lovely to see you all, even just to say hello.
Log in details for Zoom will been sent to your parents. Your parents will receive a message from the school which will contain the Meeting ID for the Zoom call. You will need to download the app for mobile devices or you can log in through their online website www.zoom.us.
If you do not receive these details by 2p.m. today please let us know and we can forward them onto you.
Also anyone that wishes to send in some pictures tomorrow, please feel free to do so. We would love to see them.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible tomorrow.
Fiona & Rachel.